Hey Lemonade Photography friends! Notice anything different?
Soooo, I woke up this morning with big plans to update my website with info about new family portrait packages. Halfway through finishing up a pretty new page and uploading some recent family portraits to show off, POOF - my website was suddenly no longer visible. At all. To anybody.
What happened? I dunno. I'm in the middle of updating a gallery and then I can't access anything. It's just ... gone. Two hours on the phone to my host's tech support was pretty much zero help. There's most likely a problem in the Wordpress database ... like, something went wrong ... somewhere ... but after three levels of tech support and what felt like months on hold, the only answer I got was a great big shrug. They don't know what's up either.
Obviously, I'm not letting it end there. I'm escalating the issue with customer service and I have a list of things to do to try and figure out how my website broke and how to get it back. But in the meantime, I have to put something online. So this is a temporary site that I've filled up with a few basic pages, pricing info, contact forms and a very basic portfolio. If this is the first time visiting my site, please excuse the work in progress - and come back soon to see more portfolio images, I'll be adding photos daily but there are thousands of images from 10 years of work to go through. It's going to take a while.